List of Issue
- Enhancing the Development of Engineered Wood Products in Sarawak (Editorial)
- Community Awareness and Involvement Towards Eco-Tourism Activities in Ranau, Sabah
- Bakery Science of Bread and the Effect of Salt Reduction on Quality: A Review
- Application of Online Halal Label Among Consumer Intention Toward the Halal Label System in Malaysia
- Assessment of Water Quality and Sedimentary Nutrient Status of Tumpat Mangrove Swamp Forest at Kelantan Delta, Malaysia
- Fatigue Strength of Acacia Mangium
- Modified Osgood Equation for Acacia Mangium
- A Review About Zig Zag Connections in Transformers
- Formulation of a Hybrid Framework for Heritage Tree Expert Assessment and Classification: A Malaysian Perspective
- Preliminary Assessment on Riverine Soil Properties of Sg. Lebir, Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia
- Properties of Composite Boards Properties from Elaeis guineensis Empty Fruit Bunch
- Macroscopic and Microscopic Characteristics of 2- and 4-Year-Old Schizostachyum Brachycladum
- Visible Light Driven Photocatalyst for Degradation of Organophosphate Pesticides: A Review
- The Effect of Soaking Condition on Mung Bean Vigna radiata Towards Water Absorption and Mung Bean Extracted Crude Protein Content
- Incorporating Lightweight Materials in Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs – A Review
- Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite Nanoparticles by Chemical Co-Precipitation
- Determination of Sarawak’s Brinjal Maturity Using Colour Image Processing Technique
- Effects of Transverse Circular Opening in Reinforced Concrete Beam Subjected to Incremental Static Load
- The Distribution of Macaranga tanarius (L.) Mull. Arg. in Peninsular Malaysia
- Existing Practices in the Evaluation and Selection of e-Learning Software: A Survey
- Antioxidants and Phytochemical Analysis of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from a Medicinal Plant Catharanthus roseus
- Physicochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Dabai Cake
- Physicochemical Characteristics and Proximate Analysis of Fruit Jam from Baccaurea angulata Peel
- Domestic Biomass Fuel Consumption Pattern in Northern Part of Bangladesh
- Factors Influencing the Price of Selected Building Materials in Northern Malaysia
- Flexural Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam Embedded with Different Alignment of Polystyrene
- Effect of Different Hot Press Temperature on Physical and Mechanical Performance of Microwave Pre-treated Oil Palm Fronds (OPaF) Composite Board With Addition of Urea Formaldehyde Resin
- Experimental Study on Voided Slab Subjected to Flexural Load
- A Review of Mammalian Availability as Salt-Lick Tourism Supply
- Rhizophora apiculata: Comparative Properties Between Solid and Engineered Laminated Boards
- An Energy-efficient Smart Street Lighting System with Adaptive Control based on Environment
- Analysis of Phytochemical Constituents of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Against Clinical Pathogens
- Utilization of Hydroxyapatite from Shortfin Scad (Decapterus macrosoma) Bones as Calcium Fortificant in Cookies
- Collembola Assemblage in Degraded Gelam Forest, Bachok, Kelantan (Short Communication)
- Determination of Crop Coefficient Values of Chili by Drainage Lysimeter
- Carbon Stock of Necromass in Harvested Forest of Gunung Basor, Kelantan
- Performance of Microwave Pre-Treated Elaeis guineensis Fronds Composite Board with Different Selection of Particle Sizes
- Feasibility Study of Reinforced Concrete Beam with Embedded Polystyrene Spheres under Incremental Flexural Load
- Electricity Transmission across South China Sea by Suspending Cables within Oil and Gas Pipes
- Estimation of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
- Optimisation of Phenolic Compounds Extraction from Terung Asam Sarawak and Their Antioxidant Activity
- Characterization of Dabai (Canarium odontophyllum Miq.) Cookies
- Review on Concrete Beam Reinforced with Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer Bars under Incremental of Flexural Load
- Spatial Variation in the Abundances of Threatened Resident Avifauna across Sabah: A Meta-Analysis
- Review of Nano Zero Valent Iron Oxidation and Alginate Beads for Degradation of Chemical Oxygen Demand and Turbidity in Wastewater
- Sensory Evaluation on the Concentrated Pineapple Juice Produced through Reverse Osmosis Process
- Physical and Chemical Characterization of Kenaf Seed MH 8234
- Comparison between Modelling and Experimental Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam with Transverse Circular Opening
- HV Power Transmission between Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia by Suspending Wires within Oil and Gas Pipes
- The Validity of the Microsoft Kinect for Healthy Participants: A Short Review
- Synthesis of Nano Zero Valent Iron, Treatment of Wastewater with Fenton Process Assisted by Ultrasound and its Impact on the Environment: A Review
- Gold Potential and Structural Analysis of Bedrock Depth for Sustainable Mining in Batu Melintang, Kelantan
- Characteristics of Diurnal and Nocturnal Lightning Activities in Sarawak, Malaysia
- Evaluation of Mycolytic Enzymes Producing Bacteria and their Potentials as Biocontrol Agents against Ganoderma boninense
- Land Cover Change Detection in Kuching, Malaysia Using Satellite Imagery
- Characterization of Oil Palm Fronds Panel at Different Conditions and Positions with Formaldehyde Adhesive
- Causes and Effects of Ineffective Communication on Construction Projects
- Effectiveness of Sago waste as Partial Cement Replacement in Sibu Peat Stabilisation
- Dispersal Potential Index (DPi) As Alternative Indicator for Coral Larvae Dispersal Potential
- Suspended Road System on Peat: A Case Study in Sibu, Malaysia
- Occupational Accidents in Forestry and Agricultural Sectors in Malaysia
- Antioxidant and Antityrosinase Properties of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Extract
- Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of the Effectiveness Oil Heat Treatment on 10-yearsold Teak Wood in Ground Contact Test
- Embodied Energy and Carbon from Building Demolished Debris Associated with Urban Road Construction in Gombe City, Nigeria
- A Conceptualize of Cultural Ecosystem Service Recreational Benefits: A Systematic Review Method
- Proximate Analysis of Ice cream Incorporated with Baccaurea angulata Peel
- Preliminary Study of Window-Opening Behaviour and Space Cooling Methods of Urban Households in East Malaysia
- The Physicochemical Properties of Stingless Bee Honey: A Review
- Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of continuous Grilling Machine for Pulut Panggang
- Magnetic Sugarcane Bagasse Paper via Radiation Method - A Short Review
- Physical and Chemical Properties of Palm Oil Boiler Ash and Palm Oil Clinker Powder
- Proximate Analysis of Ice Cream Incorporated with Baccaurea Angulata Peel
- An Update on the Viewable Mammal Species at the Natural Salt-licks in Segaliud-Lokan Forest Reserve, Sabah
- Fretting Effect on the Fundamental Sound Frequency of Sape
- A System to Ensure Safety while Switching High Voltage Switchgears
- Light Intensity and Temperature Parameters Study for Solar-powered Internet of Things to Improve Photovoltaic Energy Harvest
- A Statistical Prediction Model of River Flood
- Development of Bit-level Scrambling Encryption Algorithm for Radio Telescope Imageries
- On-Line learning-based Fuzzy Clustering Modelling in Real-Time Object Tracking
- Sensorial Characteristics of Noodles Incorporated with Local Dabai Fruit (Canarium odontophyllum) Powder
- A Review of Internet of Things Application in Malaysia
- A Principle Framework for Determining Timely Completion of Building Projects in Public Tertiary Institutions in Bauchi and Gombe State, Nigeria
- Environmental Performances of Underground Septic Tanks in Sibu Sarawak, East Malaysia
- An IoT Based Flood Monitoring and Response System
- Intelligent Mass-Prayer Assistant for Muslims (IMAM)
- A Survey of Energy-Use Behaviour in Apartment Buildings in East and West Malaysia
- Aluminum Modified Biochar for Chemical Oxygen Demand Removal in Palm Oil Mill Effluent
- Effect of Sodium Hydroxide Molarity on Compressive Strength of Porous Concrete Containing Fly Ash-based Geopolymer Binder
- Effect of Temperature with Different Composting Ages of Sawdust
- Intelligent Cloud-based Electrical Socket (iCESocket) for Smart Home Applications
- The Perception and Challenges in Community-based Ecotourism (CBE) Development: Insight from Kampong Rasuna, Tenghilan, Tuaran Sabah
- Lipid-containing Edible Coating and Application in Fruits: A Review
- Design Optimisation by Industrial Design Framework for Modular Product Design (InDFM): The Case Study of Paediatric Rehabilitation Device (PRD)
- Progression of Recombinant Cellulolytic and Ethanologenic Escherichia coli for Production of Bioethanol: A Review
- Major Finance Sources in Construction Project Delivery and Impact of Financing in the Construction Industry
- Phototactic Motion with Arduino: A Teaching Instrument Prototype to Demonstrate Interdisciplinary Concepts in STEM-related Courses
- Performance of Asphalt Mixture Incorporating Oil Palm Fruit Ash as Modified Binder
- Fuel Consumption of Passenger Cars at Different Levels of Traffic Congestion and Traffic Conditions in Urban Cities of Sarawak
- Proximate and Mineral Composition of the Long-Spined Sea Urchin (Diadema setosum) Roe
- Physicochemical and Minerals Analysis of the Pineapple Juice Concentrated by Reverse Osmosis Process
- Rattan Industry: An Economic Study to Set up Raw Materials Processing, Fibre Sustainability, and Estimation on Furniture Products Development
- Flexural Strength of Concrete Beam Reinforced with Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer and Steel Bars
- Experimental Study on Physical Properties of Peat in Sibu, Sarawak
- Thermal Properties of Unsaturated Polyester Reinforced Kenaf Core Fiber with Hybrid Nanofillers of Cellulose Nanocrystal and Graphene Nanoplatelet
- Influence of Torrefaction Parameters on Elemental Properties of Torrefied Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Biochar
- Optimisation of Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Spray-Dried Ginger-Kelulut Powder by D-optimal Mixture Design
- Petrographic Analysis of Bentong-Raub Suture Rock Types in Batu Melintang, Kelantan
- Causes and Effects of Variations on Civil Engineering Construction Projects in Nigeria
- Analysis of Driving Parameters using Pearson Correlation and K-means Cluster: A case study of Sarawak, Malaysia
- Investigation of Bottom Ash and Fly Ash in Porous Concrete as Replacement for Coarse Aggregate and Cement
- An Overview of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) as a Partial Cement Replacement in Soil Stabilization
- Visualizing Free-falling Motion using Raspberry Pi Microcomputer for Hybrid Teaching Physics Laboratory
- Development of Bathing Equipment for the Elderly
- Optimization of Process Parameters for the Edible Coating Application on Guava using Response Surface Methodology
- Usage of Bamboo as an Eco-friendly Material in the Freshwater Aquaculture Industry
- Applicability of Organic Polymer for Pharmaceutical Removal
- Equation Model for Predicting the Load Capacity of RC Hollow Beams
- A Review of the Recreational Benefits of Cultural Ecosystem Service (CES) Indicators in the Urban Area
- Review: The Challenges in Setting-Up of a Biofuel Pellets Plant from Wood and Agricultural Waste
- Proximate, Chemical and Minerals Characterization of Nypa fruticans Palm Sugar Produced by Reverse Osmosis-Pan Boiling (RO-PB) Method
- Enhanced Brain Tumor Classification using Modified ResNet50 Architecture
- Sustainable Restoration and Remanufacturing Solution of Obsolete Spare by Advanced Reverse Engineering Technology: A Three-Dimensional Digitization Approach
- Behaviour of Concrete-Filled Plastic Tube (CFPT) Embedded with Reinforcement Bar under Axial Compressive Load
- A Bibliometric Analysis of NMC Type Lithium-Ion Battery Using VOSviewer Application
- Detection of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S Promoter in Soybean Collected from Sarawak Using Polymerase Chain Reaction
- A Preliminary Investigation into the Unique Features of Timber Application in Sarawakian Traditional Architecture
- Decision Support System for Determining Priority Areas for Flood Evacuation
- Enhancing Off-Spec Limestone Aggregates with Polymer Treatment for Sustainable Infrastructure Construction – A Review
- Application of Supervised Machine Learning Models in Biodiesel Production Research - A Short Review
- Exploring the Prospects of Young Bambusa vulgaris Properties for Sustainable Bamboo Plastic Composites
- The Dust Explosion Threat within Biomass Thermal Operation in Industries: A review in Malaysia Cases
- A Review on Seismic Resilience of Roadway Infrastructure
- Compositional Analysis of Nipah Palm (Nypa Fruticans) Agricultural Wastes for Biochar Production via Self-Purging Slow Pyrolysis
- The Utilisation of Box-Behnken Design as Innovative Approach for Production of Kenaf Seed MH8234 Milk with Maximum Crude Protein Content
- Potential Drone Applications for Urban Agriculture in Smart City: A Discussion
- Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on the Okra Growth, Yield, Chlorophyll Content and Aborted Seed Production In vivo
- Possible Usage of Jute Fibre a s Sustainab le Thermal Insulation Material for Building Construction
- Vertical School: Innovative Urban School Design Strategies in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Present Scenario of Plastic-Bottle Waste Recycling Practice in Natore Sadar
- Utilizing Machine Learning and IoT at Intake Perumdam Tirta Bengkayang for Flood Prediction
- Proximate Analysis of Cookies Enriched with Mashed Engkalak (Litsea garciae)Amaranadha Reddy
- Strengthening Deficient Steel Member Joints Using CFRP under Compressive Loading
- Optimizing Geopolymer Concrete: A Review of Silica Fume as an Alternative Alkaline Activator